Dom Casmurro Chapter 141


This is what we did. We reached a decision and travelled to Europe, not on holiday or to see anything either new or old. Finally we came to a halt in Switzerland. A governess from Rio Grande went with us to keep Capitu company and to teach Ezequiel her mother tongue; the rest he would learn at the local schools. Having settled our affairs I returned to Brazil.

After some months Capitu began to write me letters, to which I sent brief, curt replies. Hers were submissive, without rancour, occasionally affectionate and at the end full of regrets. She asked me to go and see her. I sailed a year later but did not go to see her, and went a second time with the same result. On my return those who remembered her asked for news of her, which I gave just as if we had been living together. Naturally my journeys were made with this very purpose, to keep up appearances. Finally, one day …